Critical Sector Diagram. Image Credit: ResearchGateResearchGate

Critical Ministerial Sectoral Analysis Of The Specified Sectors:

1. Power:

    - Strengths: Improved electricity generation and distribution, increased access to power.

    - Weaknesses: Inadequate infrastructure, frequent power outages, high costs.

    - Recommendations: Invest in infrastructure, promote renewable energy, enhance efficiency.

2. Defense:

    - Strengths: Improved military capabilities, enhanced national security.

    - Weaknesses: Inadequate funding, limited modernization, corruption.

    - Recommendations: Increase funding, modernize equipment, enhance transparency and accountability.

3. Mineral Resources:

    - Strengths: Abundant natural resources, potential for economic growth.


Critical ministerial sectoral analysis of the specified sectors:

1. Power:

    - Strengths: Improved electricity generation and distribution, increased access to power.

    - Weaknesses: Inadequate infrastructure, frequent power outages, high costs.

    - Recommendations: Invest in infrastructure, promote renewable energy, enhance efficiency.

2. Defense:

    - Strengths: Improved military capabilities, enhanced national security.

    - Weaknesses: Inadequate