Tangible Ministerial Achievement Review Over 1-year

Tangible Ministerial Achievement Review Over 1-year By Dr Kenny Odugbemi

1, Aviation 

Resolve Nigeria air debacle through EFCC's going prosecution 

Suspend nonexisting airlines (Ethiopia airline)

Relocation. of FAAN headquarters to Lagos and overhaul of 30 directors

Reviving long dormant cargo service (Nigeria -Dubai)

2, FCT

Improvement of road network 

Creation of Abuja CivilServicess

Commissioning of light rail

Improvement in the Commuter movement

3, Interior 

Clear backlog of 204,332 passports whilst facilitating ease of applications 

Reciprocity of Visa process

Challenge poor treatment of Nigeriaoverseasa

Facilitate fair compensation for paramilitary 

Establish Pension fund

Compassion in criminal justicepaysy N585m for 4,068 in mate to aid decongestion

4, Works

Road evaluation of 923,768sq Km

Reallocate N108.bn out of N217bn designated for emergency repairs for all roads 

Complete Lagos Ibadan Expressway

Rehabilitate the third mainland bridge


Abuja-keffi-akwanga-lafia road, dualising Lagos bypass 

Reconstruction of collapse bridge Enugu

Repair onitsha-owerri road

5, Industries, trade, and investment 

Strengthen local-foreign investors

Planning to attract Strategic foreign investment 

Establish a diaspora fund to attract $25bn annual remittance to infrastructural development not as equity investment 

Government to remove all trade blocks

Note only 5 Ministers have contributions, out of 48Ministers

Based on the achievements listed, 

I would rate the Ministers as follows:

_Aviation Minister: 4/10_

The minister has made significant progress in resolving the Nigeria air debacle, suspending non-existing airlines, and reviving cargo services. However, the current state of the aviation sector in Nigeria is still facing challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, poor safety records, and high costs.

_FCT Minister: 3.5/10_

The minister has made efforts to improve the road network, commission a light rail, and improve commuter movement. However, the FCT is still grappling with issues like inadequate housing, poor waste management, and traffic congestion.

_Interior Minister: 4.5/10_

The minister has achieved significant milestones in clearing passport backlogs, implementing visa reciprocity, and challenging the poor treatment of Nigerians overseas. However, the ministry still faces challenges like border security, internal conflicts, and prison reform.

_Works Minister: 5/10_

The minister has made significant progress in road evaluation, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. However, the current state of roads in Nigeria is still a major challenge, with many roads in disrepair and inadequate funding.

_Industries, Trade, and Investment Minister: 4/10_

The minister has made efforts to strengthen local and foreign investors, attract strategic foreign investment, and establish a diaspora fund. However, the current economic situation in Nigeria is still facing challenges like recession, high unemployment, and inadequate infrastructure.


Overall, these Ministers have made significant achievements, but the current administration still faces numerous challenges that need to be addressed. The ratings are based on the progress made in their respective ministries, but the overall impact on the country's development is still limited.

In relation to the current comatose and quagmire of the present administration, these Ministers' achievements are a silver lining, but the overall performance of the government is still unsatisfactory. The administration faces criticism for its handling of the economy, security, and corruption, among other issues. Therefore, while these Ministers have made efforts to improve their respective sectors, the overall performance of the government needs significant improvement.