Challenges Facing Steel Development In Nigeria
Steel Image as seen on The Guardian

Challenges Facing Steel Development In Nigeria By Dr Kenny Odugbemi

Nigeria's steel development, particularly the Ajaokuta Steel Company. Despite investing $8 billion over a decade, the company has not produced any steel. The country imports aluminum products worth $4.5 billion annually, with a rising trend.

The Ajaokuta Steel Company has a 68km road network, 24 estates with 1000 homes each, and a 110MW power generation capacity. However, it lacks a functional blast furnace, a critical component for steel production.

Nigeria has a significant iron ore deposit (2bn tonnes) but requires beneficiation to raise the iron content. The National Iron Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO) was established to process metric tonnes with a beneficiation facility, but it remains non-operational.

The government built a 52km rail network to transport 25m tonnes from Itakpe to Ajaokuta but converted it for passenger use, which is still in the design stage and not functional.

The current administration has appointed a full Minister and Minister of State to revamp Ajaokuta Steel, but with a misplaced priority. The Minister is seeking $2 billion in foreign investment to turnaround the company through public-private initiatives, despite having a functional Ministry with a high operational overhead cost.

The text highlights the need for a strategic rethink in Nigeria's steel development policy, prioritizing beneficiation and blast furnace construction to utilize the country's iron ore deposits and reduce reliance on imports.

To revamp the steel industry in Nigeria and align it with the benefits of steel in industrial development, I suggest the following:

1. Conduct a thorough audit: Assess the current state of the Ajaokuta Steel Company, including infrastructure, equipment, and human resources.

2. Develop a strategic plan: Create a comprehensive plan to revamp the steel industry, including setting clear goals, objectives, and timelines.

3. Invest in beneficiation: Prioritize the construction of a beneficiation facility to process Nigeria's iron ore deposits, increasing the iron content to produce high-quality steel.

4. Build a functional blast furnace: Construct a modern blast furnace to produce steel, utilizing local iron ore and coal.

5. Upgrade infrastructure: Modernize the 68km road network, 24 estates, and 110MW power generation capacity to support steel production.

6. Partner with private sector: Collaborate with private investors to inject capital and expertise, promoting public-private partnerships.

7. Develop a skilled workforce: Provide training and capacity building programs for employees, ensuring they have the necessary skills to operate modern steel production facilities.

8. Promote local content: Encourage the use of local materials and resources in steel production, reducing reliance on imports.

9. Diversify steel products: Expand production to include a range of steel products, such as flat sheets, long products, and tubes, catering to various industries.

10. Encourage downstream industries: Support the development of industries that rely on steel, such as automotive, construction, and manufacturing.

11. Implement policy reforms: Review and update policies to support the steel industry's growth, including tax incentives, subsidies, and trade protections.

12. Monitor progress: Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress, identify challenges, and make adjustments as needed.

By following these steps, Nigeria can revamp its steel industry, leveraging the benefits of steel to drive industrial development, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth.